One of the foundations that determines the value of a property is the well known mantra- location, location, location. But what does that really mean? Simply put, the value of a property is in direct relation to where it is located- both its neighborhood and the market area it is located within. An appraiser should be able to define the neighborhood along with the market area in order to research and accurately report those factors that affect the value of a property.
What defines a subject’s neighborhood? A neighborhood is a group of complementary land uses, a congruous grouping of inhabitants, buildings or business enterprises. It focuses on four sets of considerations that influence value: social, economic, governmental and environmental factors. Sometimes, a neighborhood is well defined- consider some housing plans and subdivisions or even small towns. In more rural areas, the neighborhood is less easily defined and could encompass an entire municipality.
So then, how is the neighborhood different from the market area? A market area is the geographic or locational delineation of the market for a specific category of real estate. It is an area in which alternative similar properties effectively compete with the subject in the minds of potential purchasers, often referred to as the buyer pool. A market area is often much larger than a neighborhood. A property located in a subdivision could have a market area that includes additional alternative subdivisions that would have a similar appeal based on the location, school district, access to local amenities, median price range, etc.
Within any given market analysis is a term referred to as market segmentation. This is the process by which submarkets within a larger market are defined. Specifically, it is taking a look at the market data and determining segmented portions such as retirement communities, condominiums, investment properties, etc.
One example would be a sub-market for condominiums in Murrysville. Condominiums in this market area make up less than 10% of the overall real estate but there is a well defined buyer pool for these types of properties. In order to analyze the impact of value on a condominium in Murrysville, you would need to first analyze the plan it is located in (the neighborhood), then analyze Murrysville as a whole (the market area) and then further extract that data to analyze other similar condominiums in Murrysville (segmented market area).
As you can see, the location of any given property can be directly influenced by its direct neighborhood, the larger market area and the segment of the market that it is classified as.
In the near future, I’d like to take a very real but hypothetical look at an example property and how knowing both your neighborhood and market area has a direct impact on the data needed to be analyzed and the comparables chosen.