If this looks familiar, contact an electrician today.
Sadly, after 4 decades of warnings, proof that Federal Pacific falsified their testing data for UL, and testing that shows 1 in 3 Stab-Lok breakers are defective, we still find homes that are serviced by these breakers. Between 1950 and 1980 Federal Pacific sold millions of these breakers that were installed nationwide. Sadly, the USCPSC found that it would be too costly to recall these breakers in 1983. An estimated 2,800 fires, 13 deaths and $40,000,000 in property damage are caused per year.
In our years of appraising, we have asked many firemen and electricians about these breakers. Most firemen use a series of expletives in regards to them, followed by “replace them immediately.” Electricians have a similar reaction. Theoretically, if an electrician were to certify that the panel is safe, it would not need to be replaced, however, in nearly 20 years we have never met an electrician willing to take on that risk.
This is not a risk that anyone is willing to certify as “safe” and not one that homeowners should live with. For your safety and the safety of your household, have these panels replaced immediately.
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