
Series: How do I read an appraisal? Part 1


Whether you are a homeowner or real estate agent, there is a lot of information that is packed into a small amount of space, and it can be overwhelming. In hopes of helping educate consumers, today we start a series going through the most common form used in the loan origination process, and address it line by line. This form is publicly available at:

Page 1: Subject - contains the basic information pertaining to the "subject" property, or the property under consideration for the appraisal. Most of this is self explanatory, however, we'll highlight one area of possible confusion: Property Rights.

If you own a property, you own a "bundle of rights" to that property, however, some of the rights to the property may already be sold away. Mineral rights are a common example - at some point in the past the mineral rights of the property may have been sold to another party - and that "stick" is no longer in your "bundle" of rights. If your lease your home to another person, you have temporarily handed that person a few sticks in the bundle (see picture below).

An appraisal first addresses what the subject is, and what property rights are being appraised. The more "sticks" from the bundle that have been sold off, the less value the remaining property may have, and the more difficult the property may be to appraise.

For more information on the "Bundle of Rights":


2008 vs. 2020: What can we learn from the past to protect our future?

What does the housing market have to do with plot of the movie "The Producers?"

What does the housing market have to do with plot of the movie "The Producers?"

One of the lies that was told during/after the housing crisis of 2008 is that "No one saw it coming!" However, some did, and warned the world loudly. Many in the financial markets knew and made billions. In the coming weeks we will look at the macro housing market, by looking back, and looking at lessons that we can learn. Now 10 years later, real estate professionals nationwide are warning that the lessons we learned in 2008 are being forgotten, and that the odds of another financial collapse are rising, and estimated by the majority by Q1 2020.

A number of great reporters have done an amazing job at presenting this information to the public over the past 10 years. We encourage you to take a listen/read/watch at this compilation of how the housing market of the United States brought the world to its knees, in hopes that we can avoid another collapse. When banks are allowed to bet against homeowners... its a recipe for disaster. With mortgage fraud on the rise and the legislation (Dodd Frank) that aimed to restrict this behavior targeted for repeal, you have to ask why?

A deep look at the 2008 crisis:

Two former Fed Chairmen predict a crash in 2020:

Mortgage fraud on the rise:

Promises of Dodd Frank repeal continue: